This dashboard displays status information for all critical services at Binghamton University. On Tuesdays and Thursdays from 5:00 until 8:00 AM, ITS regularly performs system and network maintenance. The dashboard will be updated whenever status information for any service changes. Please check back at any time to obtain current status information.

System Status as of 2025-03-29 00:32:47 EDT:

Dashboard Key
 Service Normal - the service is operating normally.
 Incident - the service is experiencing an active incident.
 Incident (resolved) - an incident occurred, but has been resolved.
 Scheduled Maintenance - scheduled maintenance is occurring with the service.
Status Service 2025-03-23
Banner INB (Internet Native Banner)
Binghamton University Business System (BUBS)
BingView (VDI)
Brightspace (LMS)
Bthere Room Scheduling System
BUBrain (Banner SSB)
Email, BMail (Google Apps)
Facilities MMS (Maximo)
ITS Computer Labs/Classrooms
myBinghamton Portal
Network (including wireless)
Network Storage
Other Services Not Listed Here
Password Portal (
SAS Visual Analytics
Single Sign On (CAS)
Software Licensing
SUNY Employee Services Portal
Telecom Services/Phones
Virtual Private Network (VPN)
Virtual Servers and Storage
Web Services
Zoom Web Conferencing
Dashboard Key
 Service Normal - the service is operating normally.
 Incident - the service is experiencing an active disruption.
 Scheduled Maintenance - scheduled maintenance is occurring with the service.
Service Current Status
Banner INB (Internet Native Banner) Service normal
Binghamton University Business System (BUBS) Service normal
BingView (VDI) Service normal
Brightspace (LMS) Service normal
Bthere Room Scheduling System Service normal
BUBrain (Banner SSB) Service normal
Classrooms Service normal
Email, BMail (Google Apps) Service normal
Facilities MMS (Maximo) Service normal
ITS Computer Labs/Classrooms Service normal
Medicat Service normal
myBinghamton Portal Service normal
myCourses Service normal
Network (including wireless) Service normal
Network Storage Service normal
ODS Service normal
Other Services Not Listed Here Service normal
Panopto Service normal
Password Portal ( Service normal
Print@Binghamton Service normal
SAS Visual Analytics Service normal
Single Sign On (CAS) Service normal
Slate Service normal
Software Licensing Service normal
SUNY Employee Services Portal Service normal
Telecom Services/Phones Service normal
Virtual Private Network (VPN) Service normal
Virtual Servers and Storage Service normal
Web Services Service normal
Zoom Web Conferencing Service normal

Active Incident Timeline:
Active Incident Timeline

The active incident timeline displays all active incidents, categorized by the services they impact. Expand any incident to view a full description of the incident as well as any updates.
No current incidents.

Active Maintenance Timeline:
Active Maintenance Timeline

The active maintenance timeline displays all active scheduled system maintenance activities, categorized by the services they impact. Expand any maintenance event to view a full description of the maintenance as well as any updates.
No scheduled maintenance is occurring.

Summary Status:      
Historical Summary Status

Historical summary status shows the past 15 days (incidents and maintenance) and future 15 days (scheduled maintenance).

Click on any of the event indicators to review detailed information about events.

Remove a data series from the graph by clicking its legend icon.
No incidents or maintenance have occurred in the past 15 days and no maintenance is planned for the next 15 days (relative to 2025-03-29).